ECA Ottawa


There are several fields in which an electrician might work provided they have the appropriate certification:

  • ICI Sector – Work in this sector is Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional.  This is referred to as a Construction and Maintenance Electrician.
  • Low Rise Residential Sector – This sector is restricted to housing excluding high rise residential buildings.
  • Lineworkers – This sector is restricted to the high voltage and  utility sectors.

What is involved in becoming an Electrical Apprentice in Ontario?
* All Apprenticeships in the province of Ontario require that an apprentice has a sponsor or trainer.
* You will need a Grade 12 diploma with Math, English, and Physics.
* You will need to complete the application
* Also, the electrical apprenticeship requires you to complete 9000 hours of on-the-job training (approx. 5 years), as well as complete 3 levels of a Ministry-approved trade school.
* You need to complete all of this prior to writing the certification exam.

The LAC ( Local Apprenticeship Committee) is administered by the ECA Ottawa office in partnership with the local IBEW 586. Our purpose is to recruit, select, assess, counsel, and educate electrical apprentices in the Ottawa area. 

  • Motivated, physically fit, and mechanically inclined are all ideal qualities to have when applying for an apprenticeship position.
  • Completed High School Diploma
    (After 1984- 30 credits/ Prior to 1984-27 credits)
  • Official transcript including the following: Grade 12 Math and Grade 12 English
  • Typed resume with references

Note: A “GED” (General Education Development) Certificate may be accepted in special situations as a substitute for the diploma only. Please contact the LAC.

You need to find a signatory employer who is willing to sponsor you. They will contact the ECA Ottawa office with your contact information. You will be scheduled to complete a mechanical aptitude test. The minimum passing grade is 70%.

Step 1 − The LAC will schedule you for a mechanical aptitude test.
Step 2 − Successful candidates will require LAC approval.
Step 3 − Approved Candidates will be added to the list.
Step 4 − Contractor will call for a new start – Contract of Apprenticeship signed.

Complete 30 Hours of Health & Safety Training, WHIMIS, and Fall Protection.

Step 1 − Work for approximately 2500 hours- 40% for the first 1800 hours and 50% for the next 700 hours at Journeyman’s Wage Rate.
Step 2 − Complete Basic Code Book Training and Construction 1- prior to Basic Trade School
Step 3 − Attend Basic Level Trade School for eight weeks (240 hours credit)
Step 4 − Work for approximately 3000 hours- 50% for the balance of the second term, 60% for the third term, and 70% for fourth term hours.
Step 5 − Complete Construction II- prior to Intermediate Trade School
Step 6 − Attend Intermediate Level Trade School for 10 weeks (300 hours credit)
Step 7 − Work for approximately 3000 hours- 70% for the balance of 4th term and 80% for the balance of fifth term hours. You will need to have 8700 hours before attending Advanced Trade School.
Step 8 − Complete Construction Ill- prior to Advanced Trade School
Step 9 − Attend Advanced Trade School for 10 weeks (300-hour credit)
Step 10 − Attend Pre-exam course (week 11) while at Trade School (30-hour credit)
Step 11 − Write Certificate of Qualifications Exam, you must obtain 70% for Inter-Provincial Seal.

We suggest that you contact one of the following services in order to obtain the needed course(s) and/or certification(s):

  • Your local Secondary School for information regarding night school;
  • Local School Board for Continuing Education;
  • Department for Adult Education Centres.

There is no defined amount of time that this process may take.

Placements for the LAC are within the jurisdiction of Local 586. The City of Ottawa, and the counties of Prescott and Russell, and counties of Lanark and Renfrew in Ontario, as well as the counties of Hull, Papineau, Gatineau, and Pontiac in Quebec.

You must provide your own transportation to the job site.

Please contact the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities (MTCU) Apprenticeship Branch or the IBEW Local 586.

You can obtain your transcript from the school board in your country of origin or contact your local embassy for help. Your grades must also be translated and assessed in either English or French.

Please contact:
International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS): 1-800-321-6021

Ask for a Comprehensive Report and state it is for the LAC application process.

You can find out more by contacting the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities
Telephone: 613-731-7100

OCOT Apprenticeship Training Standard

Electrician – Construction & Maintenance 309A
Electrician – Domestic and Rural 309C

Ontario College of Trades

International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS): 1-800-321-6021

Ask for a Comprehensive Report and state it is for the LAC application process.