Apprenticeship Report Form
Provide Feedback on Apprentices
A thorough and honest evaluation should identify both strengths and areas for improvement, creating an opportunity to develop a practical plan for growth. Our goal is to evaluate each apprentice semi-annually, documenting their development and progress over time.
Evsluation Process:
- Carefully review and assess each characteristic, trait, or ability. Select the rating that most accurately reflects your observations of the apprentice’s behavior.
- Written, unsolicited evaluations are encouraged, especially when addressing unsatisfactory conditions.
- Be honest and objective in your assessments.
- The apprentice should not be surprised by their evaluation; effective supervisors provide ongoing feedback, offering both praise and constructive guidance as needed.
- Conduct a face-to-face review of the evaluation with the apprentice and ensure they sign it.
- Clearly specify the areas where you have provided training (e.g., light fixtures, motors, trench safety).
You can download the Apprentice Evaluation Form here.

Download the Form
The Electrical Apprenticeship Evaluation Form is used to assess the progress, performance, and acquired skills of each apprentice throughout their entire apprenticeship program. It helps evaluate the individual’s suitability for the role and provides feedback for further improvement.